Business Development Services

Business Development Services

Ecocent shares her skills and experience in operating a successful business with other start-ups by facilitating training programs. In 2023, we successfully coached 10 poultry farmers and aggregators in the GIZ AgricBiz SME Loop in Ashanti Region, through Phillnita. We consulted as business trainers, coaches, and pitch experts in the 2023 UNDP/ABSA Innovation Challenge.

 In this same year we consulted as business trainers in the Ghana Jobs and Skills Project (GJSP), funded by world bank, and implemented by Ghana Enterprise Agency through Empretec Ghana. GJSP project spanned to 2024. From 2023 to date, Ecocent has diagnosed more than 100 business in Obuase as part of the Business Acceleration and Sustainable Project (BAST), implemented by Empretec Ghana and funded by MasterCard foundation, ABSA Bank and AngloGold Ashanti.



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